Want to become a member?
You are welcome to visit one of our monthly meetings before you decide to join ACFW!
Which you will. Because you’re amazing, and we’re amazing, and we belong together.
How to Join AFCW Orange County
First, sign up here to join ACFW (national). There is a $75 registration fee, and $49 to renew annually after the first year.
Second, to join ACFW’s Orange County chapter, pay the annual $10 dues to our local chapter. You can turn in your cash or check to our treasurer during the monthly meeting.
What you get when you join ACFW
For Everyone
- Subscriptions to ACFW private email loops and Facebook pages
- Critique groups
- Exclusive online writing courses (in ACFW, there is no charge for these monthly online courses)
- Novel Track: Writing and Novel Track: Editing (month-long intensives)
- Member rates for the annual ACFW national conference
- Local chapters and regional zone groups
- Webinars
- ACFW Book Club
- Resources, tips, and archives on the ACFW members-only site
For Published Authors
- Free announcements of new & upcoming books and appearances
- Author interviews posted online on Fiction Finder.
- Eligibility for member rate discount to enter ACFW’s Carol Awards for novels published in the previous calendar year
- Teaching and mentoring opportunities
- Industry news and marketing tips
- Connection with readers who are authors
- Best of all, you become a member of a large family of Christian writers like yourself!